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Old 12-07-2010, 10:30 PM   #8
# Some where in time #
RRRRRRR's Avatar
Tham gia: May 2010
Đến từ: Some where in time
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Trích bởi huynh619282 View Post
hi, Hello, I' m Huynh
Hi there!
Welcome to Muathoigian forum! Thanks for your register. However, this is a topic about Google, computer and internet or somethings like that. You should post the greeting in another topic, for example "Chào cả nhà, mình là member mới" in box Giao lưu - Tán gẫu or Giới thiệu - Làm quen.
The greeting here isn't in rules. The second time, your post will be deleted without notice. Thanks again. :D

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